Wednesday, February 28, 2018


I didn’t like how I acted yesterday.  It’s been stressful at work lately, like every other teacher I have concerns about how am I going to react to a dangerous situation and then to add the fact Facebook has this incredible way of blowing up with everyone’s opinion on the matter.  Add that UIL is today which, if I’m really going for the oh woe is me bit, no one understands the amount of pressure there is to get 1’s.

So clearly my time yesterday was to act like a petulant child wanting her way and disregarding everybody else’s opinion on any of the matters at hand.  My goodness I hate that,  I hate that I act before I think, I hate that I am brash, and can say things that are selfish and only concerns my needs and no one else’s.  I specifically hate that I am a Christian and act in ways that aren’t Christ like.

This verse let’s me know that it’s forgiven.  That’s why Christ came to this world and died for my brash words, and selfish attitude.  Not that I continue on in my ways but that my heart condemns me and that I ask forgiveness.  For God knows everything and He still loves me, regardless of my actions.

So today, I’m going to seek the glory of the Lord.  For truly God’s glory shines in the hard and in the joy.  In my poor decisions and in my wise choices He reigns.  Hopefully today I will act in ways that honor’s God and shines His glory forth.  How about you?  How are you going to act today?

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