Sunday, February 18, 2018


So this is my Todd :). I know I didn't talk about love on Valentine’s Day but I thought I would broach the subject a few days after.

We’re not perfect, our fights have been epic, our tears have been real, we have enjoyed moments of pure beauty and have walked through hardships.  He’s my friend, a leader among his peers, and one of the wisest men I know.  

I remember being in college and praying to God that I needed to be content with where God had me as a single woman.  My heart hurt friends thinking that just maybe God needed me to be single for the rest of my days.  Then one day while hanging out with a friend of mine she spoke these encouraging to me, “Bre it’s ok to pray for a husband.”  My prayers changed that night to God.  I would normally gloss over my prayers not really being vulnerable with God thinking He needed to be prayed in a certain way, but that night He heard my anguish, my longing for a husband, and a relief came over me that I had never known before.   My heart opened up to a whole new relationship with Jesus Christ, and my prayers definitely became better and increased.

Friends, if you’re holding God at arms length can I encourage you to stop.  Open up to him; believe that He’s listening to you and wants to help you.  This is an amazing Father who truly desires to listen to you!  He will never abandon you or leave you, and he most definitely won’t forsake you.

So you’re probably wondering if God immediately gave me Todd :). In a way He did. It it took me awhile to realize it.  This one guy would come regularly  into the coffee shop I worked at ordering an iced coffee and then would go sit in a corner to read his Bible.  He was the opposite of me, quiet.  His eyes were the most beautiful blue, and for three years he would come in and I would serve him coffee and he would read his Bible.  I fell in love with that guy and three years after my heartfelt prayer God answered my prayer by us talking, eventually going on a date, and then marrying but that story is for another time.
Be open in your prayers dear friends and don’t forget that God loves you and wants the best for you.

“His mouth is most sweet, and he is altogether desirable. This is my beloved and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.”
‭‭The Song of Solomon‬ ‭5:16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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