Sunday, February 25, 2018


Today in my quiet time I read a pretty heavy chapter.  John 18 is hard to swallow; the world where Jesus lived is an extremely violent world.  A world where a man can be accused of anything and could be put to death by popular vote.  The death in and of itself is horrible and painful.

That’s how Jesus died, by the majority saying kill him.  That’s why when I read this verse it brought a new understanding to me. “Shall I not drink the cup that the Father has given me” why do I think my life will be easy?  When Jesus drank from a cup that was filled with people rejecting Him, hating Him, and killing Him.

So I have a choice, I can accept the cup that my Father God has given me, or not.  I don’t need to believe that Jesus is God.  My life in the United States would be filled with everyday living, and maybe a few unexpected circumstances.  Or I can accept that God might have something different for me.

The reality is that I can not live without Jesus Christ in my life.  Being separated from God is not an option for me.  So with that being said whatever may come, I accept the cup the Lord has given me.  Whether it’s bitter or sweet, life saving or death sentencing because in the end my reward isn’t going to be in this life but with Jesus who reigns forever.

Will you accept the cup the Father has given you?

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