Humble: Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance.
Let’s be honest, I am not one to do that. I want the world to see how great I am and to succeed in life, to make my name known across the world of musicians. I had ideas when I was going to college to be this grand educator (just like my mom and my grandma before her). I was going to fill these forward motion ladies shoes and I was going to have to get me my own rockin’ shoes because I filled their shoes so well (at this moment my mom would say that’s a lot of “I’s” Breanna Laine).
Then we moved. We moved to a place where Fiedler isn’t known. Where I was no longer part of a legacy of awesome music educators who pioneered their own music programs. I was an unknown who had no clue what she got herself into. No one cared about the legacy that was up north, they cared about results, and I had no results to show. Friends I was brought low, and it was eye opening.
So when I read this verse it brings comfort to me, because it doesn’t say Jesus will abandon you when you exalt yourself, it doesn’t even say that He will shove it in your face, it says you’ll be humbled. If out of this whole process I learn that my strength is not enough and I need to depend on Jesus Christ then I consider it a job well learned. So humble yourself dear friends, learn from my lesson and be it forever in your head that whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
I love you and know that I pray for you readers daily.
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