Wednesday, February 21, 2018


I remember first learning about this verse at a Christian chamber music camp.  Incredibly, it didn’t really register that my talents, money, and anything else was given to me by our Father God and it should be used to glorify God.  Being 17 I was more concerned about being homesick and these kids (some of them were virtuoso 8 year old musicians) wanted to practice 24/7.  Ok sorry totally went down a different path 😂

But now as I look back I see what this verse can mean in my daily life.  I understand my natural talents being from God, I understand the many blessings that God has bestowed on our family like jobs, a house, and numerous other things, but for some reason money doesn’t register as being God’s.  Todd on the other hand is great at recognizing that it’s not ours but the Father’s.  He told me several years ago when we were struggling to get by on a monthly basis that he wanted to increase our giving every year.  I was shocked, in my mind I rationalized that God got our ten percent and isn’t that enough.  Thankfully, I respected my husband’s leadership and each year we have been able to increase our giving.  Numerous people and charities have seen the glory of God because my husband got that our money should be used for the glory of God.

Friends, is there an area in your life that you are not giving God the glory too?  Mine was money, I felt justified to only give my ten percent because I didn’t realize that God was the one who gave it to me.  For you, it might be something incredibly different.  Know that I’m praying for you, and that if ever you need prayer you can comment.  Love you all.

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