Guilt is an interesting thing, because it can be a two way street. There are people in this world who don’t have it and do terrible things to mankind, and then there are some people who have it so immensely that it stops them from living the life God meant to have for them.
I read John 9 today in my quiet time and it was about this guy who was blind at birth. You see back then someone who had an affliction was considered to have sinned. Can you already guess the conundrum? This man was blind at birth so was it his parents who sinned or did the guy sin within seconds of entering the world. Neither, Jesus told his peeps; this man was here for the works of God. Now this is a side that I would love to get into another time, but I don’t want to :). My heart right now is for talking to the Christian. So friends, go to your Bible and read John 9 if you don’t know this story and then come back to my blog to get my wandering thoughts.
Jesus heals the man but there is this epic argument that is going on between the local pastors (I.E. Pharisees). Is the man (Jesus) from the devil or is he truly the son of God. They are looking at a man who can now see and they themselves are blind to the miracle that Jesus Christ did for him. Why, that’s my question. How can something so amazing be turned into this bitter pill to swallow for them. I don’t know if I’ll ever understand, but Jesus explained it to us. And friends I really don’t want to upset you but here are His words John 9:39 “For judgement I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind.” As he said these words some of the local Pharisees asked him are we blind? What a question, and Jesus replied in John 9:41 “If you were blind you would have no guilt; but now that you say, ‘We see,’ your guilt remains.
For when you see you immediately realize that Jesus Christ is convicting you of the deeds you’ve thought or the deeds you’ve done. Your heart is then open to seeing that Jesus Christ is the miracle giver, Lord and Savior who we all desperately need in our lives.
Jesus may we see you so our guilt remains, to be fully cleansed and forgiven by you because it is with your mercy we are a holy blameless child of God, by your act of dying on that cross and conquering death so we may live.
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