Thursday, March 1, 2018


I love the first of the month.  It’s something that I looked forward too and immensely enjoy.  Why do you ask?  Because I get to pay the bills!  I get to crunch those numbers and my analytical side goes squee with excitement.  😂

I don’t know why because I’m a chaotic mess, but for some reason organizing our finances is my happy place.  As I look back over the years I can’t tell you how many times I’ve crunched those numbers and we look like we’ll be in the negatives by week two of the month.  I always remember a story when that happens.  It’s about a missionary who’s husband died at the hands of a group who hated Christians and then eventually they set her grass roof on fire making her home unlivable.  Everyone was devastated but this sweet woman would just say God will provide a metal roof now.  What incredible faith by this woman, her morning turned to gladness even in the midst of great persecution.  I wanted her faith, so friends when troubles come your way through no fault of your own (don’t be buying Mercedes cars when you make minimal wage) remember “who does great things, and unsearchable, marvelous things without number”. The answer is always Jesus Christ

Love you all and praying God provides you with a metal roof.

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