Wednesday, March 14, 2018


This is my Drew Bernard, incredibly bright and oh so handsome, he’s creative and a snuggle bug.  Drew also has a wicked temper.  When he was about three years old his temper was monumental.  Friends he would hit, punch, say things a three year old should never say, break anything within reach, if he could he would physically harm himself.  It was a time in life that was incredibly hard for our family.  Drew would go into this state and it wouldn’t matter who he hurt and it would last for hours.  Let me repeat this again, it was an incredibly hard time in our families life.

We had tried every type of parenting method out there.  You name it we tried it.  It was coming to the point that I was thinking we needed help.  Our lives were being disrupted because I was afraid of his meltdowns in public.  They couldn’t be stopped and they would last for hours.  Then one day a friend of mine suggested a no sugar diet, and truthfully in my head I was thinking we don’t eat that much sugar. But I was desperate, so I tried it, and that’s when I discovered the truth.  Sugar is in everything.

I went through all the food in our house.  If it had sugar in the ingredients I threw it away.  3/4’s of the food in our house got tossed.  From milk to pasta there was sugar in everything.  When I started this process it was a rough couple of days, but by day three Drew’s meltdowns were few and far away.  I couldn’t believe how much he changed, his attitude was a complete 180 degree change.  He was my snuggle bug who could understand and rationalize change and unexpected situations.

Over the last five years we have slowly added sugar back but in moderation and truthfully I still tend to shop the outside of the grocery store.  This experience has taught me how dangerous sugar can be.  If you are struggling with a little one, might I encourage you before you go to a doctor try for one week a completely sugar free diet in your household.  I’m not saying this is the end all be all change but it might help your little one be able to process things differently.

Praying for you all.

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