Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Since we’ve moved to Texas my mom and I have gotten closer. You would think that it would be the other way around that our relationship would grow farther apart but truthfully it’s gotten closer.  One reason could be that our stories are almost the same.  We both graduated with music degrees, we both moved for our husband’s job, And we have three kids.  Either way over the years I have grown to understand far more then I could ever imagine.

You see, we never had this terrible relationship, but for the life of me I felt that we were too different. My sister was the more calm, relaxed one, the one that was organized, and didn’t do weird things that got sideways looks.  My sister and mom are almost two peas in a pod.  Growing up there was always this thought in my head that if I could just calm myself down a little maybe I wouldn’t get those sideways looks :).   This is where my mom would say (pretty blunt) it’s not about you Breanna Laine.

Maybe it was the move, maybe it’s the fact that we teach music, either way my morning conversations with my mom are the best.  She’s an incredible listener, and her discernment is always there.  We laugh, oh boy do we laugh.  We laugh at Livie because she may be just like me, we laugh at Kylar because she is so organized and incredibly on top of everything (I’m still slightly scatterbrained), she listens to my heartbreak when I have had moments of grief.  I listen to her stories growing up, and the insight she’s gained.  We pray for each other, and talk about what we read in our quiet times.

If it hadn’t been for the move, I’m not sure I would have grown to understand or know my mom.  I might not have opened up and been vulnerable with her, and her likewise.  I’m grateful for this time that I get and I truly do cherish every moment.

For those of you who are curious about the picture.  This was during my 35th Birthday where my mom made one of my favorite desserts :). I’m sure I said to suck it in because she was looking chubby and as you can see I got the look 🤣.  By the way, my mom’s not chubby (now you know why I get sideways looks all the time) she’s adorable and practically perfect in every way.

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