Friday, March 23, 2018


I have struggled with guilt for a good portion of my life.  When I do something wrong I feel it immediately, the all consuming feeling in my gut that won’t go away.  It can be debilitating to me.  When I displease someone or when I make a mistake all I want to do is correct it.  When I let someone down no matter how small that may be, I feel it.  I’m 35 years old and I can still feel the guilt when I’ve done a poor job or when I’ve said something that I know I shouldn’t.

So you can understand my relief when I read this verse.  God’s grief is to convict to lead to salvation which leads to release, no more regret, but the world’s which is a mere imitator of our Holy One will continue to produce ugliness and death.  I know longer am tied down my grief because I know my salvation is in Jesus Christ.  That is an incredible feeling!

My dear friends, what kind of grief over mistakes are you having?  God’s that leads to an infinite freedom or to the world’s that disguised itself as something good but really leads to death.

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