Monday, April 9, 2018


Ephesians 5 seems like it covers the gambit of topics.  From loving one another to staying away from sin, then it jumps to exposing the darkness of sin, to submitting to your husband, and loving your wife the way that Christ loves the church.  It is full, and you need to read it!  We finish this chapter with this final verse. Husband’s love your wife (I’m not going to address that, but men your burden of loving us comes with a higher responsibility) and wives respect your husband.

Ladies, how do you do that?

I’ll admit that some of Todd and my worst fights came from me unknowingly disrespecting him.  Even to this day I can say something and Todd will say that’s really disrespectful.  I seriously did not mean for that to be disrespectful but to him it was.  Now I have the opportunity to look at him and apologize and be heartfelt in my answer, or I can rebuke him and say that wasn’t disrespectful.  And our fight continues on...

If you haven’t fully looked at this verse you need to.  Because when I do, I come to the realization that men need respect more then they need love.  So my question for my lady readers is are you showing respect to your husband?  Are you giving him that?  Because if you’re not you need to be asking yourself why aren’t you if God is telling you to.

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