Tuesday, April 17, 2018

When I would read this in the past, I would gloss over it.  Why?  Because I didn’t really have a master and I definitely wasn’t enslaved (thank you Father God).  But here’s the deal friends, the more I thought about this the more I realized that I kinda am.  I have have several bosses: my superintendent, my cluster director, my fine arts director, and my principal.  Isn’t my livliehood based on making these people happy?  If I make them angry or do something really stupid I can be dismissed from my position.

Now when I look at this verse I read it with my thoughts towards my employers and I ask myself am I working with sincerity or am I being a people pleaser and just giving them eye service?  Because in the end I’m serving God.

Now here’s where the other shoe drops.

Look, at the very last sentence.
“For the wrongdoer will be paid back for the wrong he has done, and there is no partiality.”

Now that’s scary.  Be careful to my friends who are bosses or have power over people because God is just and if you take advantage of the ones under you, or mislead them it is very clear that there will be no partiality.  This is a good lesson for me too to remember, that since I teach and have God’s beloved creation under me that I serve them as Christ would.  

What do you think?  How are you going to serve today?

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