Wednesday, April 11, 2018


If you were to introduce yourself to a group of people how would you go about doing that?  What would be the first thing you said?  How would they know who you are and what you do?

Paul’s greetings in each letter is always unique and tells me a lot about what he thought of himself.  For instance take his greeting to the Philippians,  “servant of Christ Jesus”.  Does that not intrigue you?  Who in their right mind would want to be enslaved, or willingly choose a career that consists of working for other people?

For me, this introduction made me really look at how I go about life?  Would I be considered someone who truly helps and lives to serve, or would people look at me and see someone who is out to succeed no matter what the cost.  I came to the very realization that I want my life to be about serving Christ in the small details.  So even in the boring grind of life I can proclaim that all I have done is an act of worship and service to our Lord Jesus Christ.

What is your introduction?  How will people look at your life after you have past on?

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