Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Homeschool Experiment

Hello World,
It has been on crazy day!  The morning was good, too good.  Maybe that was the problem, I was able to sit on the couch with a cup of coffee, and not be interrupted for more then five minutes.  I should have known that that would be my last second of tranquility.  Now it is all quiet once again, the kiddos are down for a nap, and I am typing this fun blog :)

The Homeschool Experiment by Charity Hawkins is a novel.  Our leading lady Julianne Miller feels God wanting her to homeschool her kids.  How does that work when you have a newborn, toddler, and first grader?  Find out how she maneuvers the world of homeschool, and enjoy a glimpse of what could happen.

I was perusing Mardel's and picking out curriculum for our sweet Kylar's first year of homeschool when my eyes landed on this book.  As I was looking at it, Drew was pulling books off the shelf, Kylar was laying on the ground, and Liv had started to cry.   The picture pulled me in, because by golly that was me!  I didn't even look at the back of the cover, just the title and the picture.  I bought it with the sheer desire to read how this mom survived homeschooling.  Needless to say I'm glad I got it, and I hope you dear readers read this zany funny book called The Homeschool Experiment.

Isaiah 19:21-22
In that day the Lord will make himself known to the Egyptians.  Yes, they will know the Lord and will give their sacrifices and offerings to Him.  They will make promises to the Lord and keep them.  The Lord will strike Egypt in a way that will bring healing.  For the Egyptians will turn to the Lord, and He will listen to their pleas and heal them.

I don't know if you've heard of the great violence that has been happening in Egypt.  This time for these people is very hard and scary.  In the midst of violence there is a city of garbage and an incredible church where Egyptians come to worship God.  When I read this verse I am reminded of them, and I pray that more and more Egyptians turn to the Lord, and God will listen to their pleas, and heal them!

To understand more of this situation please go to this link. Garbage City

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