Hello World,
Well we are a sick house today. Poor Todd has been sick since Sunday and then Liv and I got a stomach bug yesterday. I'm kind of bummed because I was doing so great on keeping the house picked up and cleaned and then wham bam the house is back to it's usual cluttered self :-/ What can a sick girl like myself do :)
A New Home for Lily by Mary Ann Kinsinger and Suzanne Woods Fisher once again tells us the adventures of Lily Lapp. Here we find that the Lapp family has moved to a small Amish community in Pennsylvania. Not only does Lily have to go to a new school, but also make new friends, and learn new traditions. As she makes her way through this new Amish Community she will find in herself strength and character. Lily is still her winsome cheery self and we get to enjoy new experiences through her eyes.
I really enjoy that I can read this book with my daughter. I also like that each chapter is like a small story in and of itself. I don't have to worry as I'm reading one chapter to my daughter that we might have a cliff hanger at the end of it, and for that matter that Kylar (she's four) will not remember what happened. I think parents will be pleased with the wholesome and winsome ways of this little Amish girl and children will get to see what Amish life is really like. It is a must read, dear readers for your little girl.
Available February 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”
*This book was given to me via Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group in hopes of my honest opinion and I honestly gave it.
Romans 5:3-5 msg
There's more to come: we continue to shout our praise even when we're hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we're never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary-- we can't round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit.
This is just a beautiful verse to me, and I love how the message describes it. don't ever forget that we can expect great things from God enough that we can't ever get enough containers to hold all of His generous offerings for us. Dear readers if I can get you to understand one thing. We have a God who loves us and loves our imperfect progress enough to generously pour into our lives through the Holy Spirit. Don't ever forget that!
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