Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Every so often you run into someone who is slightly opposite of you but gets you.  I mean gets you absolutely.  Will walk life with you and choose to correct you in love but also be there through out life changing times.  David and Jonathan had that; they met in a random moment when two opposite life's collided.  The cool thing is that even in times of separation they still maintained a friendship that lasted.

Do you have a friendship like that?  Do you have a friend who can call you out when your acting like a crazy person, or to laugh with you when you have a funny story?  Last night I called my mom complaining (yes complaining). That so and so really didn't like me, and she pointed out "not everyone is going to be your best friend Breanna". And you no know what, she's right,  I don't need a million best friends all I need is one.  So to my friend who gets me, in all my weirdness, and moods, in the place where our souls were knit together because God knew we needed each other, thank you.  Thank you for letting me be me and walking this life together.  

My prayer for you dear readers is that God gives you a friend, that when you see each other God knits your soul to theirs and a deep friendship is formed that crosses through time.  


  1. If you find any Jonathan that needs a David... You know who to refer them too ;-)
