Saturday, December 8, 2012

Twelve Unlikely Heroes by John MacArthur

Hello World,
Well today I'm just recovery from a pretty bad stomach flu.  As hard as being sick is, I'm grateful that I got sick on the days that my husband is home.  He's kind of amazing :)  Not only was the house cleaned and the kids had clothes on, but he truly knows how to take care of a sick wife.  Are you grateful for anything today?

Twelve Unlikely Heroes by John MacArthur is a journey through the Old and New Testament to find( what I would like to say) childhood Bible characters that we all seem to have grown up with.  Well... Enoch probably wasn't in your childhood stories, but for the most part these people are made alive in this nonfiction book by John MacArthur.

I really appreciate how well researched Mr. MacArthur is.  There doesn't seem to be a stone left unturned in his quest to really do these people of the Bible justice.  I am a book worm, I love researching what words mean, the history of the story, and the application that can be used in my life.    This book is definitely up my alley :) I also loved that Mr. MacArthur doesn't speak above me, I can understand what he's saying and gain a lot of knowledge because of it.  So dear readers if you're looking for a book that can help you dig a little deeper into your childhood Bible heroes this is a book for you.

*This book was given to me via booksneeze in hopes of my honest opinion and I honestly gave it.

Matthew 14:19
 but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

Right now my sweet Livie Lou is sitting next to me, eating a snack and fully entertaining herself.  She cracks me up, her laughter is a belly laugh, her zest for life insatiable, and her trust unbelievable.  What a blessing she is in my life, and how grateful I am that our Savior Jesus Christ recognized the value of my sweet baby girl.