Serving can be tough, because let's be honest, let's stop talking all that Christian language and be blunt. Serving has no glory in it for the person who's doing it. For the most part there is no recognition of the job you're doing. I'm really terrible at serving, I don't know why but I long for the recognition of a job well done and I like people knowing how great I am (I know it's cocky, but just trying to honest). You don't get that serving. These people who quietly go about working for God very rarely will be recognized for their effort by anyone.
Take for instance my husband. He's someone I see serving the needs of people around him and our family faithfully and diligently. He's a soccer coach, he could very likely coach in a university, he's been recruited by universities but won't go because our family is in a safe and secure area and our kids are in a great school. He's bypassing the recognition to serve our family.
When you serve the recognition and glory go to God. So I want to ask you something, who is getting the glory? Are the hardest of challenges to the simplest task honoring Jesus Christ, you were created for this very time. To serve, to follow, and guess what Christ will be with you, and will honor you.
So, today as I look at my house,
I'm going to put the dishes away, and fold the clothes in an act of glorifying the Lord. Because friends, I desire following Jesus Christ over my desire of recognition and I would rather have His honor then the worlds. Love you all and know that I'm praying for you today.
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