Friday, March 9, 2018


Serve, a concept that I didn’t fully realize until I became a mom.  Becoming a mom was a reality that I had never experienced before.  Usually when you do something notable you get recognized for it.  When Todd and I chose for me to be a stay at home mom there was no recognition and then to top it off our budget was cut in half because I stopped working.  Now wait, before you start screaming that I’m on the oh woe is me train, I have a point that I need to make.

Being a mom, no matter what, is all about serving little human beings who have no concept that they need to be grateful.  All day every day is an act of keeping those humans alive.  And not alive but happy, fed, and clean :). They don’t care that you’re doing that, and they most definitely aren’t grateful :). Nope, they’re disgusted with the food you made, or angry that you’re making them clean up the ultimate fort that covers half the house.  And why in the world would a mom be so cruel as to make them take a bath.  This is serving, because my first mission field, the one place that is purposely placed in my life is my kids.

So dear friends, I always think I can win one more of them to Jesus if I just continue to serve them and be there for them.  Even though I’m free I choose to serve those around me.

Love you and I’m praying for each of you who reads this.

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