Monday, March 19, 2018


Today I’m praying for my sweet family and my dear friends who teach and the kids who are going back to school (what a mouthful)  I’m praying that we allow God to go before us and to protect us in the back as well.  You see friends I  carry a responsibility to not just teach my subject matter but to carry along the expectations of teaching respect, love, how not to cross an invisible line.  To be aware of a students homelife, and emotional state.  To love them where they’re at but all the while encouraging to them to grow and change into adults who can think on their own and put others before their own needs.

Teachers and friends we need God in our schools, we need His light and love to encompass every single one of the students who enter the building.  We need God to surround our kids from the front and back.  We need to be His vessel allowing light to shine forth even when our mouths are shut to speak His words. Because one day the Lord Jesus will come sounding victory, baring His arms to all nations and jubilee will set forth with singing and praise and I want to look at Him and say Lord I went not in haste but you went before me and were behind me and all the ends of the earth heard of your salvation.

So I continue to pray intercessing for our schools and the kids who come into them, for the teachers who carry a huge responsibility and for the parents who trust us with their little ones.

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