Thursday, January 28, 2021

What I use to curl my hair

 When I have a little extra time, I curl my hair.  I feel like a have a little bounce in my step, and by golly I feel pretty.  Watch the video and see the products that I use to curl my hair.  If you would like to try purchase them feel free to click Here.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021



Hello World,

Today was not the best day.  Today I may have ended up in tears because of how this year has been for my sweet family.  Surgeries, family members with cancer, and so many hoops that as an educator I have to jump through.  These are small things in the grand scheme, but today it didn't feel so small.  Today I had one more hoop to jump through and I broke down.  What do you do when you finally have your breaking point?  How do you handle life's hardship?  

I would like to say that I immediately went to my Bible, but unfortunately I didn't.  I ate a Chic-Fil A Cookie with milk.  It was good, but it made me realize that maybe I should have gone to Jesus with these burdens.  Maybe I should have laid my sorrow, frustration, and hurt at His feet.  

As it is, I can still do that.  I can lay my sorrow, frustration, and hurt at His feet now.  When days are tough dear friends, when it seems the world is against you, and life just keeps kicking you down you can lay it all at the Lord's feet.  He'll carry you through, he'll be your listening ear, and the comfort you need.  This life is not easy and Christ never said it was, but He'll never leave you.  I promise you that.

Hebrews 13:5b                                                                                                                                               for he has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

My morning :)


Hello World,

I wanted to post my fun and quick way of getting ready.  Ladies and Gentleman!  Fast,

 easy and you’re off :)


Sunday, January 24, 2021

This year, books, MONAT, and more

 So I’m making the move to deactivate my account for Facebook.  If you are bummed about that or just wonder what I’ll be up to.  Please feel free to subscribe to my blog, where I’ll post crazy videos of my MONAT reviews, write about books that I’m reading, talk about what’s on my heart on Bible passages, and of course tell you all what my adorable kids and very hot husband are doing :)

So for the first but not the last, here is my review of MONAT’s Balance.


