Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Gift

Is anyone else in awe of that?  When has any major leader or powerful figure given a gift like that?  Through out history we constantly see deities or leaders of countries say do this for me and I'll give you this.  I can't think of a single religion or country that doesn't do this.  Can you?  Because friends being saved is a gift.  Being with Jesus Christ is something that I truly desire, and He's not like everyone else.  He truly wants to be your friend.

Have you ever had a time in your life when you wanted to be friends with someone but they didn't want to be friends with you?  Or maybe you thought someone was really neat and you wanted to get to know them but they held you and arms length.  Maybe I'm the only one out there but that has happened to me plenty of times.  I know with Jesus that will never happen.  He will never hold me at arms length, he will never be polite but not vulnerable, he will never see you on Sunday but ignore you the rest of the week.  It's not in him, it's not even possible.

Want a relationship that will never let you down?  It's pretty easy, confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe that He was raised from the dead.  And the best part of this friendship is that it is freely given.  What an incredible gift.

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